How to get started using ViralURL
Posted by Frank Bauer (Import) on 15 February 2008 01:15 AM

I will do my best to explain.  The videos in all the sections as well as the entries at our blog ( are the best places to find information.  This is what I can tell you in addition...

ViralURL is a link cloaking service which basically means that you don't promote your links as you normally would, but instead you promote your cloaked ViralURL links. This will protect your affiliate commissions as the visitor can't see the URL to change it to theirs or chop your affiliate ID off.  It also adds the 'Viralbar' onto your site with your built in affiliate ID in it. So when members join ViralURL, they go in your downline for you to email and if they upgrade to Gold, you also earn a commission on that!

To add a link, you FIRST need a site you want to promote. Once you have a site (either your own or an affiliate site) you can the click on the 'Cloaking Section' menu link. There is a video in the right top of this section. To open it, click the flashing image that says 'Video Tutorial'.

BTW... you can even benefit from cloaking URL's that you generally wouldn't like e.g. the URL of a YouTube video that you want to send to your friends.  :)

Follow the steps to add your link and ViralURL will provide you with a cloaked link.  Now you use this cloaked link to promote the program you are promoting.

Follow the menu options from the left to the right and watch the videos in each section to get the most from your membership.

Here is a quick overview over the available tutorials...

1. General overview over the ViralURL System:

2. AJ Wilson's ViralURL System Review:

3. ViralURL Cloaking Section Tutorial:

4. ViralURL Advanced Cloaking Section Tutorial:

5. ViralURL Email Section Tutorial:

6. ViralURL Ad Credit Section Tutorial:

Thanks so much for your support and I hope this helps you getting started.

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