Knowledgebase: Terminology
Posted by Frank Bauer on 21 April 2015 01:13 AM

Challenge (if you created the Challenge)

Inactive: Not finished creating
Ready: Live for participants to 'take' Challenge
Paused: No new participants can take the Challenge
Unpublished: Hidden from view to Participants
Expired: Expiration date has been met or passed

Challenge (as a Participant)

Not Yet Started:
Paused: This Challenge code hasn't been loaded by a website visitor in 3 days
Available: Participants may 'take' the specific Challenge
Expired: The Challenge is no longer accessible to Participants as it is past the available dates


Ready: Specific Task is available to use with Challenges
Paused: This particular Task code hasn't been loaded by a website visitor in 3 days


Inactive: The specific widget code for the domain has not been installed and been loaded
Ready: Specific Domain is available to use with Challenges
Paused: Specific Domain widget code hasn't been loaded by a website visitor in 3 days

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