Should you offer an eBook for Free or for Sale?
Posted by Frank Bauer (Import) on 17 November 2012 08:28 AM
Question: Should you offer an eBook for Free or for Sale? Yes, list building has priority! So why would anybody want to offer any of the eBooks for sale? There are two cases where that's the case ... 1. You want to monetize a list that you own. Meaning... you advertise the eBook via email to your existing list 2. You want to build a list of buyers vs a list of freebee seekers. Personally, even in case #2... if I advertise to people that are not yet on one of my own lists, I would first get them to subscribe offering a free eBook and then offer a different eBook to them for sale to build the buyers list. Hope this answer helps you to understand when to offer an eBook for free and when for sale. | |